Hello World!

Hello, I’m FCD
an Automation Tester

I am experienced in both Automation and Manuel testings. I do Functional Testing, Regression Testing, Black Box Testing, GUI Testing, Back End Testing, Browser Compatibility Testing, Integration Testing,System Testing and User Acceptance Testing (UAT).


What I Do

Functional Testing

I make sure that each application feature works as per the software requirements.

Integration Testing

I do the validation of the interactions of related components modules and systems to ensure they work together.

Smoke Testing

I do the initial testing process exercised to check whether the software under test is ready/stable for further testing.

Regression Testing

I verify that software previously developed and tested still performs correctly even after it was changed or interfaced with other software.

Database Testing

I test the Database manually with MySQL using the queries and automate the testing thanks to JDBC

API Testing

I test the applications manually with Postman and automate the testing thanks to RestAssured.

See what tools I use for this job

My Tools

7+ Years of Experience

My Resume


Contact With Me

Inbio Contact

Fatihcan Dogan

QA Engineer

I am available for freelance work. Connect with me via email or call in to my account.

Phone: +1 201 245 9845 Email: fatihcandogan@yahoo.com